Monday, November 22, 2010


We harvested a mudpond containing 51 pieces of our customer's koi recently..these fellas have been in the mudpond for the past 5months..they went in as tosais..measuring 25cm to 35cm..the smallest piece that came out..was a male koi measuring 42cm..while the biggest was a Yamabuki Ogon..measuring a whooping 61cm..these kois are from OISHI, OOMO, MARUSHO and DAINICHI KOI FARM..hope you all enjoy the videos..its been split into 4 parts.. 

Mudpond 1 from Best Koi on Vimeo.

Mudpond 2 from Best Koi on Vimeo.

Mudpond 3 from Best Koi on Vimeo.

The angle of this video (part 4) did not came out quite correctly..sorry bout that..but you still can see the quality of the fish that came out..these 3 are some of the top pieces that make it out from the mudpond..

Mudpond 4 from Best Koi on Vimeo.

Please feel free to email us at, if you have any questions. 

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